Saturday 10 December 2011

Hilary Clinton Pretends to Love Gays

Recently Hilary Clinton, US Secretary of State, made a speech proclaiming that US foreign policy will be driven by the question of LGBT rights — “Gay Rights are Human Rights; Human Rights are Gay Rights!”

Both the liberal media and LGBT organizations are hailing this as a step forward. Indeed it is, but it’s not a ‘free pass’ by any means.

Hilary Clinton is a capitalist politician and her ‘brave speech’ to the UN must be seen in the light of the imperialist foreign policy of the US.

Just as ‘born-again’ Jimmy Carter raised the banner of ‘religious freedom’ in support of the clerical-reactionary Solidarność to bring down the Jaruszelski government in Poland, and Ronnie Rayguns used the cloak of ‘national sovereignty’ in backing the misogynistic primitivists of the mujahedin (spiritual progenitors of the Taliban in Afghanistan) to weaken the USSR, so Clinton’s support of LGBT rights is aimed fairly and squarely at the US’ latest bête noire, Iran — another oil-rich country where, coincidentally, homophobia is rampant.

I guess in the fishbowl that is the US, the destruction of a nation of 70 million people, whose history stretches back some four thousand years, doesn’t really matter. Yet it should, especially when Obama is letting homophobic god-botherers have free rein in ‘the Homeland.’

Historical Note: Many members of the British ruling class were ‘carpet-munchers and leap-froggers’ (or both) or ‘cross-dressers’ or “freaks born into the wrong bodies,” but this didn’t stop them supporting Hitler — even when the Nazis were shoving LGBT folks into gas-chambers.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Quick Thought #5

Another loony comment from the Australian Defence Force — this time from the Returned Services League (RSL).

It was suggested recently that, since nearly thirty years have passed since the end of the Vietnam War and since thousands of Australians have visited Vietnam as tourists, it was about time that Aussie veterans declare peace and begin treating the Vietnamese as human beings again.

“No,” said some Old Diggers. “I can’t forget what they did to my mates!”

Well, dear Australian soldiers, you seem to have forgotten something important — it wasn’t the Vietnamese who invaded your country … it was you who, at the behest of your “Great and Powerful Friend,” Uncle Sam, invaded theirs. So, I would think it would be the Vietnamese who had reason to be resentful.

In their hatred, the Diggers were spurred on by those Vietnamese who had come to Australia as ‘refugees’ — those bourgeois who were offended that the Vietnamese communists wouldn’t allow them to own two houses instead of just one.

Interestingly, Australians were much quicker to forgive the European fascists – they only killed Communist workers and other such ‘subhumans’!